Kitty’s study on


in Denmark & Sweden

This is (1) an intimate travel diary on my learning to be and to belong, (2) a study on intimacy where I explore different ways communities use to nurture intimacy, and (3) a quest to acquire the vocabulary to build an ecology for intimacy.

To know what
this is about
click here.


The possibility of aging well together.

Someone told me that it’s like lighting a candle. The candle light includes certain people inside a circle that’s distinct from the ones outside. Such a physical parameter, although fuzzy and faint, creates a sense of togetherness that lends people the language to relate and converse.


The busker is an external stimulus that creates opportunities for people to dialogue in public, making a candle cirlce. A “Good City", according to the Gehl Architects, is one with many candle circles so people feel safe, connected, and excited to be in public.

Triangulation: "the process by which some external stimulus provides a linkage between people and prompts strangers to talk to other strangers as if they knew each other" - Holly Whyte


What it means to be intimate.

To be intimate is the quality of being known for who we deeply feel we are, our “true self”. The ability to meet another being with liberation, understanding, unconditional acceptance, and trust; These elements are the Sun, water, soil, and air that grow a flower of sweet closeness to bloom. They invite the uncovering of a stranger’s singularities and promise to love all the folds that make them unique.



What makes you [...] be you?

How do I lean into the consciousness of interconnectedness to define myself? Only when I see the world as my agents of luck do I start to live with the sensitivity and tenderness for togetherness and sustainability. When I stop dominating other beings by asserting the uniqueness that only existed within my body, I allow my definition of self to include life.
