Kitty is a student of immersive art and a thinker on love and intimacy. She designs space to cultivate belongingness and is the creative director behind từ từ.

Kitty works at the intersection of anthropological research and artivism. Her focus is on using creative design to deepen the discourse and practices of love and intimacy in the everyday life of communities.



Love & Intimacy

Identity Economies

Ontological Design

(De)colonization Practices



Participatory Design

Ethnographic Study

Data-Driven New Media Art

Disruptive Narratives

Spreadsheet Aesthetics


She is building experiential creations on love and intimacy that decentralize Romance. This means creating a disruptive narrative to the commercialization, fantasization, and colonization of love.

She does this by collecting alternative materials on love cross-culturally; conducting workshops where participants gain experiential knowledge on non-romantic-based love; then transforming these data with craft and technology to create a new representation of love.


Kitty has studied and conducted compassion-based projects in Kathmandu, Tokyo, Copenhagen, the internet, Seattle, and especially Ho Chi Minh City.