
INTIMACY PROJECT is an anthropological, multicultural study that explores the tools and elements in both private and public spheres which enable people to easily have a sense of connection and belongingness. Such a state is called intimacy.

A preliminary enthnographic research on intimacy through (1) immersion in cultures & (2) analysis of how people interact with their environment.

Key words:
compassion-focused, complexities, love activism

intimacy & love

Intimacy (noun) is the quality of closeness that’s achieved by being intimate (verb), meaning to reveal oneself in a vulnerable manner, to make oneself be known by the other. This is one specific practice of love that Kitty explores.

Looking at love as a verb.
To love is not a happenstance, it is a practice that takes a community to nurture. How do we create an ecology that cultivates our capacity to love and to connect with one another?

In Denmark, I looked into practical tools - in terms of policy, architecture, and cultural facilitation - that facilitate and ease people to connect/get intimate in public.

Nepal (update soon)

Japan (update soon)

Vietnam (update soon)

US (update soon)

Rome (update soon)